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IA382 is a 02 credits online graduate seminar class offered by the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering ( FEEC) at the University of Campinas ( UNICAMP), to discuss state-of-art topics in the broad field of Computer Engineering.

Consider joining the IA382 Seminar Mailing list and add the seminar schedule to your Agenda: Google Calendar, iCal.

The seminar is open to participation and streamed online through the YouTube channel of FEEC.

National and international experts from academia and industry expose students to top-tier talks and panel conversations.

Seminar participants are expected to write up a summary of the seminar topics, identify the relevant literature, and answer some aspects of each seminar, in addition to other discussion and learning activities.

History #

Conceived by Prof. Christian Esteve Rothenberg, the Seminar of Computer Engineering class started in the first semester of 2023 under the FEEC/UNICAMP graduate class code IA377. Therefore, you may find some references to IA377 in past messages, YouTube videos, and old versions of the Website (e.g. ).

In the first semester of 2024, the new class code IA382 was assigned corresponding to the 100% remote, online format of the English-based seminar class offering.