The Global Network Advancement Group: Towards a Next Generation System for Data Intensive Sciences
Table of Contents
Seminars-2-2023 - This article is part of a series.
Abstract #
The Global Network Advancement Group (GNA-G) has brought together the major R&E and mission oriented networks and major data intensive science programs to enable the best use of networks and computing facilities worldwide, while developing the next generation of programmable national and intercontinental networks and distributed systems designed to address the most challenging needs of leading edge programs in a manner compatible with continued excellent service to the at-large academic and research communities. I will review the challenges facing the most data intensive science programs, the mission and structure of the GNA-G and its working groups, the global testbeds and emerging services architecture it has deployed, as well as the recent progress in the GNA-G Data Intensive Sciences and AutoGOLE/SENSE working groups towards the next generation network paradigm, working in concert with the Unicamp, Sao Paulo and Vittoria teams, RNP, Rednesp and the Global, National, Americas and Asia Pacific Research Platforms.
Bio #
Harvey Newman. Professor of Physics at California Institute of Technology (Caltech) Contact:
Harvey Newman received the Sc.D. degree from MIT in 1974. From 1973 to 1974, he co-led the team that discovered fourth quark flavor known as charm. He co-led the MARK J Collaboration that discovered the gluon, the carrier of the strong force in 1979. Since 1982, he has been a Faculty Member with the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), where he is currently the Marvin L. Goldberger Professor of physics. He has been leading a role in originating, developing, and operating state of the art international networks and collaborative systems serving the high energy and nuclear physics communities since 1982. He served on the IETF and the Technical Advisory Group that led to the NSFNet from 1985 to 1986, originated the worldwide LHC Computing Model in 1996, and has been leading the science and network engineering teams defining the state of the art in long distance data transfers since 2002. Since 1994, he has been a member of CMS that discovered the Higgs boson at LHC in 2012.
Resources and Materials #
Save the date: August, 17th, 2023.