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A Bioengineering View on Optical Network Openness and Automation

343 words·2 mins· 0 · 0 ·
Optical Networking SDN Trends Bioengineering Universal Architectures
Table of Contents
Seminars-2-2023 - This article is part of a series.
Part 5: This Article

Abstract #

This talk will first review trends in optical networking and SDN. Secondly, we will take a bioengineering perspective of Universal Architectures and how they fulfill the tradeoff: Planning actions that are slow but accurate, centralized and flexible versus Reflex actions that are fast but rigid, automatic and inaccurate. The main part of the talk will conciliate the tradeoff of such Universal Architectures in bioengineering with the needs of the telecommunications landscape. We will cover network planning and design needs versus operational aspects. Finally, a set of remarks and a specific example will be delivered in view of such conciliation for network openness, programmability and automation.

Bio #

Miquel Garrich

Miquel is Telecommunications Engineer by Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain (2009) and Ph.D. by Politecnico di Torino, Italy (2013). After his Ph.D and during 5 years, he was senior researcher in the optical technologies division at CPqD, Campinas, Brazil, where he coordinated R&D activities and technological transferences to the (Brazilian) industry.

Between 2018-2020, he held a H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie action (MSCA) individual fellowship at the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena in partnership with Telefonica. During his MSCA, he led initiatives in optical transport networks, SDN and network function virtualisation (NFV); collaborating with the H2020 Metro-Haul project and with TIP. Subsequently, he was Senior Engineer at Huawei’s Paris R&D center, working on an internal (proprietary) optical quality of transmission tool; laboratorial activities with Huawei’s hardware equipment and the NMS/SDN controller; and in the analysis of optical planning data.

Currently, he holds a Network Automation Engineer position at Vodafone. He actively contributes to the application of SDN in Vodafone’s networks ensuring that automation needs become use-cases that reach production environments.

Miquel has co-authored 80 technical-scientific articles, often at world’s-top and Europe’s-top conferences on optical communications (OFC and ECOC) and in leading peer-reviewed journals in my field (JOCN and JLT), he still serves as Technical Program Committee member of conferences and reviews journal articles. Miquel is IEEE Senior Member since 2020.

Contact #


Resources and Materials #


Save the date: November, 23rd, 2023.

Seminars-2-2023 - This article is part of a series.
Part 5: This Article