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Packet Trimming at the Edge for Low Latency in 6G Environments

317 words·2 mins· 0 · 0 ·
packet trimming low latency communication 6G network optimization
Table of Contents
Seminars-2-2024 - This article is part of a series.
Part 6: This Article

Abstract #

The talk presents the use of packet trimming, a technique which adjusts the size of a packet during its transmission over the network, and has the ability to provide low latency and low loss at the client. It allows a much better level of control and manageability, compared to existing transport approaches using UDP or TCP. For best behaviour and performance, packet trimming has to be well matched to the application data format. Packet trimming needs support at the server/sender, in the network edge, and at the client to achieve this best performance. The approach taken for each of these is presented. We have found that using trimming is good for fixed bandwidths, and is highly adaptable to dynamic bandwidth changes. As such, it is ideal for Beyond 5G and 6G scenarios, where trimming functions can be placed at the edge.

Bio of Stuart Clayman #

Stuart Clayman

Stuart Clayman received his PhD in Computer Science from University College London in 1994. He is currently a Principal Research Fellow at UCL EEE department, and he has worked as a Research Lecturer at Kingston University and at UCL. He co-authored over 75 conference and journal papers. His research interests and expertise lie in the areas of software engineering and programming paradigms; distributed systems; virtualised compute and network systems, network and systems management; sensor systems and smart city platforms, and artificial intelligence systems. He is looking at multi-domain distributed systems, new techniques for large-scale sensor systems, as well as enhanced mechanisms for end-to-end delivery of digital video. He also has extensive experience in the commercial arena undertaking architecture and development for software engineering, distributed systems and networking systems. He has run his own technology start-up in the area of NoSQL databases, sensor data, and digital media.

Contact #

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Resources and Materials #


Save the date: 13:00 - 14:00 (Brazil time), October, 10th, 2024.

Seminars-2-2024 - This article is part of a series.
Part 6: This Article