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All Seminars

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In this page, you can find a compilation of every single seminar presented so far!
2024-08-31 : Mischa Dohler - The Dawn of an Immersive Internet: XR, Generative AI and the Road to 6G
2024-08-31 : Alex James - AGI Chips - The Next Frontier
2024-08-31 : Ertuğrul Başar - From Intelligent Surfaces to Noise-Driven Communication: Innovative Technologies for 6G and Beyond
2024-08-31 : Rodrigo Nogueira - Generalist vs Specialist Language Models
2024-08-31 : Carlos Artemio - An Overview of Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization
2024-08-31 : Stuart Clayman - Packet Trimming at the Edge for Low Latency in 6G Environments
2024-08-31 : Vaneet Aggarwal - Cloud Storage Systems: Latency Characterization and Extensions
2024-08-31 : Alberto Nogueira - Scientific Machine Learning and Quantum Utility: A Near Future Perspective
2024-08-31 : Danilo Demarchi - Let the Plants do the Talking: Climate-Smart Agriculture by the Messages Received from Plants and Soil
2024-08-31 : Nicola Marchetti - More is different: How the Science of Complex Systems can inspire Future Autonomous Networks
2024-04-20 : Filip De Turck - Advances in Holographic-Type Communications
2024-04-05 : Gabriela Surita - Talking to Machines: A Practical introduction to Generative AI
2024-04-02 : Dave Cavalcanti - Next Generation Wireless for Time-critical Performance
2024-04-02 : Rute Sofia - Latest trends on supporting an energy-efficient and resilient IoT-Edge-Cloud continuum
2024-04-02 : Roberto Souza - Revolutionizing Medical Imaging Diagnostics with AI​
2024-04-02 : Dave Cavalcanti - IoT for Social Good​
2024-04-02 : Gianni Antichi - To Offload or not to Offload?
2023-11-25 : Klaus Raizer - Digital Twins in 6G network automation​
2023-11-24 : Jose Reynaldo Formigoni Filho - Visão geral sobre Blockchain: Conceitos, aplicações e iniciativas relevantes
2023-11-21 : Miquel Garrich - A Bioengineering View on Optical Network Openness and Automation
2023-10-17 : Cezar Taurion - IA: a longa e tortuosa jornada do laboratório à produção
2023-09-07 : Eduardo Cerqueira - Holographic Type Communication: a future nearer than ever
2023-08-29 : Roberto Lotufo - O Estado-da-Arte da I.A. na Área de Linguagem Natural: Por que a IA Generativa é o avanço mais disruptivo em toda a história da IA
2023-08-14 : Harvey Newman - The Global Network Advancement Group: Towards a Next Generation System for Data Intensive Sciences
2023-06-01 : Christian Timmerer - HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) — Quo Vadis?
2023-05-18 : Paulo Sergio Rufino Henrique - 6G The Road to the Future Wireless Technologies 2030
2023-05-04 : Antonio Marcos Alberti - Impactos da Evolução Tecnológica Acelerada na Sociedade
2023-04-27 : André Barros de Medeiros - XR ou Realidade Estendida: Status quo
2023-04-20 : Antônio Abelém - Internet Quântica: o Futuro das Interconexões de Redes
2023-04-13 : Marcos Rogério Salvador - Transformando a pesquisa universitária em inovação no mercado
2023-03-30 : Raphael Vicente Rosa - Inside an end-to-end trial of Software-Defined RAN (SD-RAN)
2023-03-23 : Paulo Jose Pereira Curado - Radar Conecte-se ao Novo
2023-03-16 : Christian Rodolfo Esteve Rothenberg - Hot Topics in Computer Networking

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